OCP Faculty, TU Delft

The new faculty OCP of Delft university of technology, accommodates the disciplines of Mechanical, Maritime and Industrial Design. During the constructionworks school continued. The new building shows a contemporary, logical and efficient architectural structure with it's own recognizable facade in the TU-district. The interior design is executed as an integral part of the whole plan.

Status completed 2002
Architects Fons Verheijen, Krijn Tabbers

VVKH has been selected to design a primairy school at the Jazzsingel in Utrecht. The tough looking school is centrally located with a park as it's backyard. The classrooms are organised around an elips-shaped playroom for exercize, music and dance classes. The set backs in the side-facades allow each classroom a view to the park.

At the Duurstedelaan in Utrecht lies one of the most sustainable schools of the Netherlands. The school is centrally located in a reviving neighbourhood, in the south of Utrecht and accommodates three primary schools, a nursery and a broad programme of functions related to the school and local community. Future users participated from the start in the design-process. Different users gain with collaboration, but also want to be recognized and have their own specific needs. All functions are organised round a collective court space. The gym is constructed above this space and thus forms the roof of the court. The building is set up in red brickwork that is continued in the playground boundaries. The identity of the different schools is reflected in their own colour and pattern in het façade panelling and silhouette of the building-mass. The whole setup matches with the urban scale of the neighbourhood and blends in naturally.